Case Study: Capilano University
About Capilano University
Capilano University is a teaching-focused institution providing high quality education to over 7,000 students at two campuses across the Sunshine Coast and Metro Vancouver. Capilano University has earned an international reputation for quality teaching, programs and services.
“Our older student records, once stored in two large filing cabinets filled with thousands of microfiche films, are now being inputted into the document management system. This is significant risk mitigation for us, and having all of our records centralized is a huge bonus.”
Karen McCredie
Capliano University
Ricoh conducted discovery interviews with Capilano University and learned that they would prefer to integrate with the current student information system, which was being used as their student registration backend.
Ricoh Canada built a document management solution that connected to the school’s student information system for scanning, searching and storing student records.
Student records scanned into the system are now optical character recognition (OCR) enabled, allowing full-text search for any keyword.
Ricoh Canada’s solution eliminated the need for the entire barcode system, and has paved the way for the office to reduce or eliminate physical record storage.
Ricoh Canada also installed a new batch of Kodak scanners on employees’ desks so documents can be scanned immediately.
Ricoh is also helping Capilano University digitize older student records by scanning them offsite at one of Ricoh’s five Business Information Services Centres, which are used to facilitate business process outsourcing.